![Bout of Books](http://i.imgur.com/YKdCOt4.jpg)
The Bout of Books read-a-thon is organized by Amanda @ On a Book Bender and Kelly @ Reading the Paranormal. It is a week long read-a-thon that begins 12:01am Monday, August 22nd and runs through Sunday, August 28th in whatever time zone you are in. Bout of Books is low-pressure. There are challenges, giveaways, and a grand prize, but all of these are completely optional. For all Bout of Books 17 information and updates, be sure to visit the Bout of Books blog. - From the Bout of Books team
Yay! Another Bout of Books! I'm so excited to get some reading done and hopefully tick off some books I've been meaning to finish. We recently moved and still have a lot of unpacking to do but hopefully I'll be able to get some reading time in.
Are you participating in Bout of Books 17? If so, how was your first day? And if not... well, why not?
Hosted by Writing My Own Fairytale
Book-To-Movie AdaptationsAll I need you to do is share with us your favorite book-to-movie adaptation and your least favorite book-to-movie adaptation. You can give reasons for your answers or just names, it’s really up to you how much you share.
So here are my choices!
Favorite - Harry Potter Series
My favorite of the entire series (book AND movie) is Goblet of Fire but I really love the rest of the books and movies as well. Understandably, the movies do have their differences from the books but this is like the one and only time that the differences don't bother me. I think the movies were done so well that they pair well with the books and create an experience all their own. I love the books and movies equally. The only real issue I have with the movies is "HARRYDIDYAPUTYERNAMEINTHEGOBLETOFFIYAH?RAWRRRR"
Least Favorite - Twilight
Okay, okay. So Twilight in general was always a love/hate thing with most of the population. But I, admittedly, was one of the crazy twi-hards. I fell in love with Twilight not long after the books came out and I couldn't get enough. It refreshed my love of reading and I was insanely excited when I learned a movie was being made and I couldn't wait to see it.
When the Twilight movie was first released, I fangirled like crazy and my love for the books completely overshadowed the fact that the movie really wasn't that good. I never did care for the blue tint that's thrown over the entire movie but I never realized how unhappy I was with how it was made until recently when I sat down to watch it and I found myself cringing constantly.
I just don't think the movie was made well. And the story is so insanely rushed that none of it works. There's none of the good story there and the characters were even slightly changed. Bella was supposed to be this shy, quiet girl and in one of the first scenes she's goofing off with Billy and be insanely optimistic and social.
I did enjoy the movie versions of New Moon, Eclipse, and Breaking Dawn, but the Twilight movie could have been way better in my opinion.
Day One Reading Updates
Strikethrough = finished
The First Taste by Jessica Hawkins (pages read: 62 )
Total Books Finished: 0
Total Pages Read: 62
Day One Reading Updates
The First Taste by Jessica Hawkins (pages read: 62 )
Total Books Finished: 0
Total Pages Read: 62
I've only made it through the first two Harry Potter movies so far. I really didn't like the beginning of the third and gave up! But I'm re-reading the books with my husband (who has never read them!!) and we're watching the moves after. I'm hoping I'll like them better this time around :)